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ගුගල් නිසා ප්‍රවාහන ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ දැවැන්ත පෙරළියක්

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The launch of the Google Transit instant traffic update service for travellers and commuters in Sri Lanka was held yesterday (July 12) dubbed as a revolutionary transformation in the country’s transport system. Google Transit was inaugurated to mark the 25th anniversary of the National Transport Commission (NTC).
At present Google has made its live traffic updates available for private transport in Sri Lanka providing a convenient information back-up for travellers and commuters to find routes with less traffic. Currently, Google does not possess public transport data and the feature does not work on the internet application at present.
In preparation for yesterday’s launch, public transport data has now been uploaded to Google as a preliminary to activate the Google Transit feature for the benefit of all Sri Lankan travellers in the near future. Google will monitor this data and will release the supported application on the internet shortly.
Initially, Google users will be able to access public transport directions in the Western Province only through Google Transit.

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